DM Digital Solutions
DM Digital Solutions

Specialized, dedicated services aimed at helping knowledge and business process companies to achieve and execute improved productivity and efficiency via global outsourcing vendor and relationship strategies.


Solutions for academic and trade publishing, media companies, content aggregators, financial, legal and library services.


We provide a sturdy, strategic framework for easing and facilitating the transitional process required in revaluing your business model with outside vendors. As a gateway, we give you direct access to the best solutions providers globally who will match your requirements.

  • Needs analysis
  • Process definition
  • Vendor evaluation
  • Workflow implementation

We promote pragmatic, systematic improvements in terms of:

  • Improved cross-cultural communication
  • HR training and deployment
  • Performance monitoring and benchmarking
  • Quality standards achievement
  • Upgrading production tools and programs

We advance commercial initiatives and promote business development by:

  • Custom publishing and program creation
  • Series and brand extensions across media platforms
  • Commercialization of existing content
  • Revenue enhancement through monetizing information assets

The idea, therefore, is to make help your business advance via a synthesis of technologies and collaboration strategies that ride on the practise of innovation. Indeed, we help you with the flexible utilization of outside resources to reduce overall production and output costs while raising your company’s financial and executive profile, an advantage that is increasingly necessary in today’s complex and competitive marketplace.

Dilip K Mirchandani

Dilip K Mirchandani


Dilip is a veteran of the communications and
media industries who
has been practising and consulting in the field of digital publishing solutions since 1985.
His visionary international outlook and depth
of experience across numerous commercial
platforms in both traditional and new media make him a valuable asset in most progressive business environments.
In consulting, Dilip offers a robust knowledge base across a broad spectrum of interests, the fundamental and creative skills to apply technology, and the managerial know-how to enable the integration of enterprise-wide objectives across multiple projects.

Dilip’s significant achievements in business information and marketing communications have served numerous companies over the years. Most recently he was founder and the chief executive of IBH Publishing Services in India.
Dilip has authored three business books, and is a graduate of Stanford and Columbia University.